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Warhammer 40K
Sluggy på Norsk |
ME: 22; Male; Norwegian; Roleplayer.
MY WORLD: Itty bitty, actually :)
If you like this place, please tell me, or, if you hate it, tell me
why. You can sign
my guestbook (you can look
at it too), or write me a mail</A>.
And by the way, I got my guestbook from Guestworld.
What's new:
17 May (02.24): Update
on the WH40K page.
12 February: I'm
looking for buyers for my Magic cards. Take a look
and mail me if you're interested.
8 February: Posted
a Warhammer 40,000 page. It's
a basic explanation in Norwegian
4 January (00.26): Posted
some pictures of my Orks.
26 October (01.58): Update
on the RPGpage, a few new games. And an announcement on the Sluggy page.
22 October (01.06): New
Sluggy strips, and a little update on the RPGpage (ORKS!
and a few new games).
20 October (03.37): New
Sluggy strips.
17 October (03.12): New
Sluggy strips.
3 October (00.17): Updated
the roleplaying page. I've bought a few new games :)
6 Septemeber: Yet
another reorganization.
2 July: three...
two... one... zero! Facelift operation complete!
26 May (Late): New
Sluggy strips. Other news: I've finally finished painting my Warhammer
40K models. Yay! Now I've got to find someone to play against... Any of
you play? And live near Vik i Sogn?
<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">25 May (05.00'): A
CATS-story - The New Kitten. Chapter I.
No new Sluggy strips yet, sorry.
14 May (02.00): New
Sluggy strips. Yes, I know it's been a while, but if you're lucky (very
lucky) there'll be new strips every week from now on.
9 April (03.00):A
little make-over. Minor changes in site-structure and some new pages.
5 April (23.33): New
Sluggy strips. From now on I'll post translated strips whenever I have
a full set. Between allergies and work, I'm simply not up to translating.
27 March (11.51):In
celebration of LEAH
NICOLE ABRAMS, here's the Norwegian version of
the strip for 26.03.00.
27 March (05.22):There
should have been some New Sluggy strips, but just like on the 6th my new
job has taken a bit more time than I was hoping for. Try again tomorrow
or wednesday.
Sorry Kang. ;-)
OTOH, there's something else new. Teknisk
Eining i Vik.A primitive design with crappy colors,
but what the hell! I'll get NOK 3000.- for it, so my artistic integrity
doesn't stand a chance. and no funny coments about my integrity either,
you hear?
20 March: New Sluggy
strips. Sorry I'm late, but again my new job has been eating up my sparetime.
6 March (Later):Well,
whaddaya know! Here the Sluggy strips come!
You won't have to wait until wednesday. Aren't
*you* lucky?
6 March: There should
have been some New Sluggy strips,
but my new job has taken a bit more time than
I anticipated. Try again tomorrow or wednesday.
28 February: New
Sluggy strips.
21 February: New
Sluggy strips.
14 February: A CATS-story
- The Unknown Battles.Written
in under an hour, don't expect great litterature.
13 February: New
Sluggy strips.
11 February: GURPS-Stats
for CATS
6 February: New
Sluggy strips.
31 January: New
Sluggy strips and a bunch of stuff for Mararanth
24 January: New
Sluggy strips.
16 January: New
Sluggy strips.
10 January: I get
to post my translated Sluggy-strips
here. YAY! If you can't read Norwegian, don't even bother.
6 January (2000): 'nother
redesign. Sorry about the fanfic. My personal computer (with all my work
for this homepage) isn't working, and hasn't for a while. I hope it'll
be fixed soon.
12 November: Redesign.
17 October: Re-opened
(due to peer pressure)
5 October: More
cover-work. Deleted the Norwegian pages, and closed the Mararanth pages
(temporarily. When I get more inspiration I'll open them again).
26 September: Cover-work.
More on my story will be posted soon (Obviously, this hasn't happened yet,
but I'm working on it. 17.10.99)
29 August: Some
18 August: Added
my CATS fan-fic.
Also added a bunch of stuff to MCP.
17 August (1999):Posted
my page. |